Carers Cafes and Support Groups

Carers Cafe, Heather View, Crowborough in partnership with Care for the Carers – Meet others carers, enjoy refreshments, share experiences and a guest speaker every month too. Heather View, Beacon Road. The First Wednesday of each month 10am till 12noon. Please contact Lisa for more information
The Stroke Friendship Café, Bowes House – A opportunity for those effected by a stroke to share stories and make new friends in a relaxed and friendly environment. Carers welcome too. Complimentary refreshments will be provided. Second Wednesday of the month. 2pm –3.30pm . Bowes House, 25 Battle Road, Hailsham, BN27 1DU. For further information and to book please call 01323 440188.
Connections Cafés have weekly meet ups for people with dementia and their carers at Crowborough (Friday afternoons) Bexhill (Thursday mornings) and Eastbourne (Tuesday afternoons). Tea, coffee, cake and entertainment. You can find out more information here We support people with dementia, their carers and family by running groups to engage in social activities in a supportive and safe environment. We have lots of different activities every week including entertainment, bingo, games, singalongs and lots of cake, tea and biscuits Eastbourne Christ the King, 3 Princes Road, Eastbourne BN23 6HT, 1.30pm – 4.30pm, Bexhill St Marks Church, Little Common, Green Lane, Bexhill on Sea, TN39 4BZ, 10.30am to 1.30pm, Crowborough Community Centre, Pine Grove, Crowborough, TN6 1FE
Rotherfield St Martin ‘Time To Talk’, supporting the unpaid carers and family members of those living with dementia or long term illness. Time To Talk – Rotherfield St Martin
Eastbourne Dementia Peer Support Group, DEEP group. In Langney on the 1st Friday of every month, 2pm – 3:30pm. For more information, please call 01323 385285 or email
DISC Support Groups. Locations are, St Leonards, Robertsbridge, Bexhill, Eastbourne, Crowborough, Uckfield, Rye. For more information go to Groups (
The Good Company People – Its a charity that provides regular dementia welcoming social events, a support service to help carers supporting people living with dementia and hosted day out to help over 65’s. Many of whom are experiencing cognitive changes or living with dementia get out and about in Good Company. The service is located in Crowborough and surrounding villages. Check out their website for information on their clubs which include:
Sussex Support Service – Supporting carers and older people in Sussex
Eastbourne Dementia Club, Lunch/Supper Club – A group of experienced volunteers. If you live /support someone with dementia and would like to meet others in similar circumstances, give us a call. To find out more ring 07800 87361 or email
Care For A Coffee (Hailsham House) is aimed at carers in the community & is an opportunity to either come alone or with the person they are caring for to a safe & supportive environment. The opportunity to have a break, meet with other in similar situations or have a chat with our team. The home is pet friendly so you can even bring your little pet pal along for a visit. This is scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month between 1000 & 1130 (although we are open as a safe drop in space outside of these hours if needed). To book for any of the above please contact or call 01323 442050
The Stroke Friendship Café, Bowes House Second Wednesday of the month, 2pm – 3.30pm: We will be joined By Kim Golding from the Stroke Association who will be available to share information about support services available. This is an opportunity for those effected by a stroke to share stories and make new friends in a relaxed and friendly environment. Carers welcome too. Complimentary refreshments will be provided. The café will take place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Bowes House, 25 Battle Road, Hailsham, BN27 1DU. For further information and to book please call 01323 440188 or email
Carers Cafe 2.30pm – 4pm the third Thursday of every month at Bowes House, 25 Battle Road, Hailsham, BN27 1DU: If you are a carer for a friend or loved one, or perhaps you need a break from daily routine or feel isolated in the community. Why not join us for our monthly cafe. We serve a delicious complimentary afternoon tea. This is a great opportunity to meet others in a relaxed and friendly environment, share stories and ideas. Relax and have break. Listen to guest speakers, who will share information on the service they offer and the help and support available to support. For further information and to book please call 01323 440188 or email
Pie & a Pint Gentleman’s Community Club Bowes House- The Second Thursday of the Month, at 1pm. Join in our bar area for a sociable chat with other gentleman from the local community over a pie and a cold pint. Carers welcome too! Take the opportunity to meet our friendly team and explore our beautiful home. The event will take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month at Bowes House, 25 Battle Road, Hailsham, BN27 1DU Advanced booking is essential by calling reception on 01323 440188 or emailing
The Stroke Friendship Café, Heather View Care Home, Beacon Road, Crowborough, TN6 1AS Fourth Tuesday of the month at 2pm. This is an opportunity for those effected by a stroke to share stories and make new friends in a relaxed and friendly environment. Carers welcome too. Complimentary refreshments will be provided. For further information and to book please call 01323 440188 or email
Pie and a Pint-Gentleman’s Club: Monthly, on the third Tuesday of the Month at 1pm, lunch club is open to gentleman in the community to meet up with other gents and enjoy a pie and a pint on us! Please email or call 01892 653634 to book. @ Heather View Care Home, Beacon Road, Crowborough, TN6 1AS
Carers Café, Heather View, Crowborough: in partnership with Care for the Carers at Heather View, Beacon Road, Crowborough. First Wednesday of each month, 10am-noon. Meet other carers, enjoy refreshments, share experiences and a guest speaker every month too
Come for a knit and natter – Whether you’re a total beginner or a knitting expert, join us at Woodlands care home in Crowborough for a fun and friendly natter. Our knit and natter is every Wednesday, 3pm to 4pm. It’s a free group and we look forward to welcoming you. Complimentary tea and cake. Book your place: 01892 653178 or email:
TN22 CLUBS run fortnightly on Wednesdays at Hadlow Down Village Hall and include a freshly cooked nutritious lunch. The clubs are run by local charity, ENGAge, and are supported by a team of volunteers who are passionate about helping older people in their community. We welcome members from the Wealden area and local transport may be arranged. To find out more about the club, volunteering opportunities or to book a taster day, please call Julie Fitzgerald on: 07747 635667 or email:
Sussex Support Service: Creative Café –at Uckfield Victoria Pavilion, 1.30pm till 3.30pm 4th Saturday of the month.
Rotherfield St Martin: Time To Talk’ supporting the unpaid carers and family members of those living with dementia or long term illness. Time To Talk – Rotherfield St Martin
DISC Support Groups: Locations are, St Leonards, Robertsbridge, Bexhill, Eastbourne, Uckfield (3rd Tuesday of the month) and Crowborough (4th Tuesday of the month) Groups (
Eastbourne Dementia Club: Lunch/Supper Club. A group of experienced volunteers. If you live/support someone with Dementia and would like to meet others in similar circumstances, give us a call. Ring or email to find out more or 0780087361 – evening and weekends.
Eastbourne Dementia Peer Support Group, DEEP group: Langney, 1st Friday of every month 2pm till 3.30pm. For more information please call 01323 385285 or email
Visiting Angels: Home – Visiting Angels – South West Kent & East Sussex ( Unit 14, Sham Farm, Sham Farm Road, Eridge Green, Tunbridge Wells,TN3 9JA. Please call 01892 571 925
Companion Calls | Alzheimer’s Society ( The Companion Call service is specifically designed for individuals affected by dementia, providing a warm and supportive channel for conversation. Imagine a regular, friendly telephone call, typically scheduled weekly, initiated by one of our dedicated volunteers. Whether it’s discussing a favourite TV show, sharing thoughts on the weather, or simply providing a space to talk about how things are going, a Companion Call is a comforting and engaging experience.
Outside of Wealden:
DISC presents Sing and Social – 1st and 3rd Friday at St Augustine’s Church Hall, Bexhill, TN39 3AZ. A free song and dance group session for people living with Dementia and their carers. Entry is free and includes a raffle ticket, tea, coffee and biscuits. For more information contact: or call 07874 864898
Bexhill Carers Cafe run by Association of Carers – The Pelham, Holliers Hill, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 2DD. 1:00pm – 3:00pm, every 2nd Monday of the month.
The above information was correct at the time of publishing this webpage, if you are aware of any changes or have some information for us to have, please email the Wellbeing Team –